How to lose weight when working night shift

Examining the night shift worker's diet and its role in weight gain

There’s no beating around the bush – 24/7 shift work isn’t easy on your body and many shift workers experience weight gain. So, in answering the question, ‘how to lose weight when working night shift?’ many people tense up, waiting to be dished another fad diet or restrictive eating plan. Not us though. Aside from the fact that it goes against all our values, crash diets and restricted eating tend to make weight gain worse.

In fact, the answer to how to lose weight when working night shift is painfully simple: timing your meals correctly. Rather than cutting out whole food groups, slaving your Sundays away meal prepping or filling your gym session with endless sweaty, spiritless cardio – mastering chrononutrition and nutrient timing often provides easy, sustained weight loss for shift workers. 

Chrononutrition fundamentals for shift worker weight loss

Chrononutrition is a branch of nutritional science. And what makes it so important to shift workers, is that it explores the relationship between food and our body’s circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is what makes our metabolism, hormone secretion and energy regulation tick. But what does this have to do with shift workers and weight loss?

The night shift workers diet conundrum

Night shift work flips our body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) on its head and this can result in a long list of negative side effects. From poor digestion and nutrient absorption, to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, stroke and some cancers.   Irregular eating patterns don’t do our bodies any favours. Luckily, we’ve written an entire resource on this topic which you can grab (for free!) here: How to lose weight when working night shift.

Your metabolism is slower at night

Scientific studies have shown that our metabolism follows a circadian rhythm, peaking earlier in the biological day and slowing down at night. This means that eating large or heavy meals later in the day or during the biological night may lead to weight gain and/or metabolic issues, since your metabolism is slower overnight.

Hormones and their role in weight gain

The hormone produced to signal the biological night, melatonin (the hormone which helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycle) and insulin (the hormone responsible for regulating the body’s blood glucose levels), affect the metabolism of food. 

For example, during the biological night when melatonin is high, it attaches to the pancreas signalling it to rest – so it doesn't produce as much insulin. This means there is less insulin to transport glucose to the cells and it’s where researchers believe the majority of weight gain in shift workers comes from.

Food for thought: Strategies for how to lose weight when working night shift

The strategies we recommend for shift worker weight loss are evidence-based because scientists agree that the time we eat something plays a huge role in how it’s metabolised. 

  • Catch 7-9 hours of natural, restorative Zzz’s (without medications!) to improve hormonal balance 

  • Reach for whole, nutrient-dense foods to support your overall health and balance out energy levels

  • Practice putting together well-balanced meals that include a mix of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats for sustained energy during your shift 

  • Schedule your main meal prior to night shift (or early in your night shift) when metabolic function is better

  • Only eat small, protein-rich snacks while the digestive system is resting 

  • Opt for water or herbal teas and limit caffeine during your night shift to stay hydrated. This is especially important for women 

  • Be mindful of the biological day and night: 0600 to 2100. Most of your calories will ideally be consumed during the day and light and protein rich snacks prioritised for overnight eating. This will match your body’s natural circadian rhythm.  

No restrictive diets. No compulsive calorie counting. Just an awareness of your body’s natural rhythm

Simply understanding how your body works is a powerful tool for wellbeing, better work/life balance and can answer the question, how to lose weight when working night shift?! Don’t buy into restrictive, fad night shift workers’ diet plans and instead learn how small tweaks to your shift work lifestyle can have you thriving, not just surviving. 

A necessity for all 24/7 shift workers: Download our evidence-based free resource, How to lose weight when working night shift

Learn more about A Healthy Shift’s personalised coaching so we can pave the way to a healthier, more informed future for your own health's sake.


  • I also run Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing Seminars for shift working environments. Find out more HERE

Roger Sutherland

“Coaching Shiftworkers to Thrive, not just Survive”

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