8 Tips to adjust to shift work


Shift work can be a challenging experience, especially for those who are not used to working at night.

The human body has a natural circadian rhythm that is synchronized to the 24-hour cycle of daylight and darkness, and when this rhythm is disrupted, it can lead to a host of health problems, including sleep disorders, fatigue, and even depression.

However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to adjust to shift work and lead a healthy and productive life.


Tip 1: Set a consistent sleep schedule

The most important thing you can do to adjust to shift work is to establish a consistent sleep schedule. (I know, I know, relax, take it easy…read on)

This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day whenever possible, regardless of whether you are working a day or PM shift. This will help your body to adjust to the new schedule and regulate your circadian rhythm.

Even going into and coming out of nights we should stay as much in sync as we possibly can to reduce the days we are desynchronised.

This is important because we, as shift workers, can lounge around, nap or sleep in more than is necessary and then we suffer from a further dysregulated Circadian Rhythm.

The more we stay in line with our Circadian Rhythm, as much as possible, then the better we feel.

This minimises that fatigue, lethargy, brain fog and complete inability to even make a decision


Tip 2: Create a comfortable sleep environment

Another key factor in getting good sleep is creating a comfortable sleep environment. This means making sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.

Keep your room at a temperature between 15-20°C (60-67°F), and invest in earplugs or a white noise machine if you are sensitive to noise.

For my recommended products you can get to assist with sleep read my 6 Products to help you sleep better blog


Tip 3: Avoid caffeine and nicotine

Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants that can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

If you work a night shift, it is important to avoid consuming these substances for at least 4-6 hours before you go to bed.


Tip 4: Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help to regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, every day.

Exercise earlier in the day is recommended for sleep

Do not exercise on the way home from night shift. Sleep must be your priority.


Tip 5: Stay connected with family and friends

Working a night shift can be isolating and lonely, which can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.

Make sure to stay connected with family and friends, whether it's through phone calls, text messages, or social media.

Plan and commit to catch-ups on your days off or even brunch before you go to work.


Tip 6: Take short naps

If you find yourself feeling drowsy during your shift, take short naps to help boost your energy levels.

Aim to nap for no longer than 20-30 minutes, as napping for longer than this can disrupt your sleep schedule.


Tip 7: Use light therapy

Light therapy can be an effective way to regulate your circadian rhythm. When you are working a shift work, try to spend some time in natural light during your breaks, or invest in a lightbox (S.A.D Light) that simulates daylight.

If you are located in Australia I recommend Happy Lamp Australia for S.A.D. Lights. (Contact me for a discount code)

Household lights are not bright enough at approximately 500LUX.

The researched effective dose of light is 10,000LUX so don’t just get any old light from E-bay or Amazon. Most of those won’t measure up.


Tip 8: Seek professional help if needed

If you are struggling to adjust to shift work, don't be afraid to seek professional help. A sleep specialist or counselor can help you to develop a personalized plan to improve your sleep and manage any symptoms of depression or anxiety that you may be experiencing.


In conclusion, Shift work can be a difficult experience but with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to adjust to shift work and lead a healthy and productive life. By following the above tips, you can improve your sleep, regulate your circadian rhythm, and minimize the negative effects of working at night.

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