Navigating Low Mood and Fatigue: A Guide for Shift-Working Mums


Being a shift-working mum is a unique challenge, one that demands resilience, adaptability, and self-care.

While I am not and never will be a Mum, I am a father to, what are now, 2 young adults of my own.

With almost four decades of experience as a veteran shift worker and an evidence-based nutritionist, I completely understand the toll it can take on your energy levels and mood.

In this blog, I'll delve into evidence-based strategies to help you not only survive but thrive in your demanding schedule.

Understanding the Challenge:

Shift work disrupts our circadian rhythms, impacting sleep quality and duration. As a result, it's common for shift-working mums to experience low mood and fatigue. Is it any wonder? You are being pulled in numerous directions and all at the same time. But remember, you're not alone, and there are ways to manage these challenges effectively.

Prioritize Sleep Quality:

Please don’t yell at me, I’m trying to help you remember. 😬

Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period, even if it's split into shorter segments. It’s also imperative that when you do get the chance that you have a conducive sleep environment - a cool, dark room with minimal disturbances. Consider an eye mask, ear plugs, blackout curtains and a white noise machine.

Optimize Nutrition:

As an evidence-based nutritionist, I cannot stress enough the importance of a balanced diet. Focus on whole foods rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Prioritise regular, balanced meals and stay hydrated.

Resist the urge to eat anything during the biological night (9pm to 6am).

If you’ve not seen it yet then I highly recommend my blog The best way to eat on night shift

Mindful Movement:

Exercise is a powerful tool to combat low mood and fatigue. Incorporate activities you enjoy, even if it's just a short walk or gentle yoga session. Regular movement boosts mood-enhancing endorphins and improves energy levels.

Strategic Caffeine Intake:

While caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost, it's crucial to consume it strategically.

The current evidence states that just 107mg caffeine in 250ml water (less than 1 medium latte) needs to be consumed almost 9 hours before it impacts on sleep. Yes, I know, we need it to stay awake. But, have you considered that the less of it you consume, the better you’ll sleep, and then the less caffeine you’ll need?

Just a thought for you to ponder.

Emotional Wellbeing:

Maintain open lines of communication with loved ones about your challenges. Seek support when needed and consider incorporating stress-reducing practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling into your routine.

Schedule Smart:

Plan your shifts in a way that allows for adequate rest between shifts. (I know, if only, but try to)

Avoid rapid rotations and try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible, even on your days off.

This means, get to bed when your children have gone to bed. Nothing is more important than your sleep.

Professional Support:

I am a One 2 One coach with a wealth of experience and evidence-based knowledge in nutrition and wellbeing around shift work.

I can help you if you need support in this area. Follow this link HERE and see how I can help you


Shift work, especially for mums, can be demanding, but it's not insurmountable. By prioritising your sleep, nutrition, movement, and emotional well-being, you can regain control over your mood and energy levels.

Take baby steps and be patient with yourself.

Remember, it's not about just surviving, but thriving in your unique role.

You’re doing an amazing job just being a Mum

You've got this!

  • I run Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing Seminars for shift working environments. Find out more HERE

Roger Sutherland

“Coaching Shiftworkers to Thrive, not just Survive”

Boosting Wellbeing: The Power of Cognitive Breaks for Shift Workers Battling Stress


Navigating the Negativity: Shifting Towards Positivity as a Shift Worker