
A Healthy Shift client Daniela

I heard of Coach Roger in one of Coach Mark Carroll's very first 8-week challenge groups I was a part of.

I cannot explain how much Coach Roger has helped me with my mindset, body image, and overall health in general.

Starting my very first challenge with Coach Mark Carroll a year ago….. I had been following a keto diet for almost three years prior…..Depleted of energy, I lost all motivation to work out and could not understand why I felt like garbage, unmotivated, tired, and most of all, hungry all the time.

Yes - the scale will go down, as it should in any deficit, but my health was taking a turn for the worst. I was going down a very dark hole.

That is when I found Coach Roger. TURNED my life around, and it was HARD WORK. By no means am I downplaying the work; it took A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT. I was brainwashed and TERRIFIED of eating carbs. I will tell you, I was limiting myself to 20g of carbs PER DAY!!!! I know… horrible.

I came to Roger with this, and he did not judge me for one second. He did not try to convince me to do something I did not want to do. It was completely on my terms!!! He just shed light and guided me in the direction I should be.

He fed me the research and shared his knowledge. Together, we put his theories into practice. Over time, I corrected some habits that I had built and my hunger cues.

First, he recommended I get some blood work done to check my levels, as I had never done this before in my life, and we needed a starting point.

That’s when it hit me. Results in: I am 31 years old and was presenting with severely low blood sugars, elevated cholesterol and lethargy most days. I had a conversation with my doctor about monitoring my blood sugars as they were very low (effects of the keto diet). I could not believe it - 31 and monitoring my sugar levels! Scary.

I made the decision to put in the work. Coach Roger is my pillar of strength. He listened to me when I cried about eating too many carbs that come from FRUIT!!!

He listened to me when I told him I was scared to eat too much BROCCOLI because it had too many carbs!!!!

It WAS NOT EASY. I had to retrain my brain and my mindset around carbs. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

When we started including more carbs in, and I saw the scale weight go up, I nearly wanted to quit everything. DEPRESSION SET IN, and this was real. For days, I wanted to punish myself for thinking about eating. Coach Roger helped me through that very, very difficult time in my life. We took one step at a time, built good habits, and worked on having a positive mind and having PATIENCE.

Many nights I cried, but he helped me see that carbs hold water, and after a while, it all levelled out (much more to it, but just to sum it up); but I wanted it to stop.

Coach Roger NEVER gave up on me. He figured out that the scale was giving me super bad anxiety, and I was choosing my feelings based on weigh-ins. So, we eliminated that!!! And I never looked back, to this date, I do not own a scale in my home!

After a LONG LONG TIME ….I started hitting PBs every week in these challenges!! I am fuelling my body for my sessions!!!

I still struggle with mental health every now and again but having Coach Roger in my corner, makes getting through these tough times easier to navigate. Now I am proud to say I am eating well over 120g carbs and at my lowest body fat percentage EVER!

Coach Roger taught me to be STRONG and nothing will replace his teachings. The knowledge and his dedication were the exact motivation I needed. Coach Roger saved my life, and I am forever grateful.

My mental, physical, and just overall health, in general, feels optimal at this point. I am forever grateful and recommend Coach Roger to anyone struggling with nutrition/mindset and shift work!!!



Chris - Coach


Chris - Rock Climber