Chris - Rock Climber

A Healthy Shift client Chris Ferre rockclimber

Interestingly, I wasn’t “overweight”, but wasn’t happy with the way I looked. I’d recently lost a whole bunch of weight but stagnated at where I was, and it all became too hard. I was superset and working out like a beast, but I ended up not having my diet in check and was making no progress. Cue Roger from stage left! Roger helped me get the diet in check at first, but after setting my goals for what I wanted and basically “telling” me what to do at first, Roger educated me as time went on, explaining everything in detail in, from what to eat, when to eat, how to maximise muscle gain and weight loss in a modern time-poor environment, and how to, most importantly, make my plan sustainable and easy to follow. With flexible eating and the ability to drink beer and eat ice cream, I was able to not only achieve the goal that we had set, but not feel crap after losing a whole bunch more weight and got the obligatory six pack photo in the process. 

Roger was always able to answer my questions regarding my health while simultaneously life coaching me. One of the best things about the whole experience is that it was almost too easy, and friends and family couldn’t believe the amount of food I was eating and neither could I. I never was hungry, I always had heaps of energy and I slept and functioned much better. Roger will work with and for you and not against you and always had my end goal in mind. I’m definitely not anything close to being an elite athlete, but dropping some more weight easily and putting on more muscle definitely has helped me as a rock climber, but more importantly has just helped me feel “better”. 

Going on more than six months after, I’ve easily kept the weight and muscle to where I feel comfortable. It’s very important to know that I also have got the knowledge to set new goals for weight loss and/or muscle gain to now do on my own."




Jay – Personal Trainer