Jay – Personal Trainer

A Healthy Shift client Jay personal trainer

I now have a healthy cycle, improved energy, and a much-improved understanding of how my body needs to be fuelled to achieve its best. My mood has been the most considerable change, one I am still excited by. 

The accountability you bring alongside a supportive & healthy download of knowledge to inform and educate (yet not overwhelm) has made me more equipped to achieve my goals. I am confident in the future and unburdened by the battles of the old. To invest in you is simply health insurance, worth every cent.

I now have a healthy relationship and attitude towards life and food. I thought I was in a pretty good place before this, but in hindsight, I can see I now have more freedom simply because I understand my own body better and appreciate the beautiful balance of being on the right supplements for hormonal health. 

You are a bloody legend, and I will miss you. I wish you an incredible career in this; you were born to do it and are very good at it. Your balance of honesty, and fun banter delivered kindly with your knowledge and education made this process really enjoyable !! 


Chris - Rock Climber


Bex - Boxing Coach