Carolyn - Nurse

"One to one coaching with Roger Sutherland

Roger has taken me from staggering from shift to shift, feeling tired all the time to feeling like I am on top of things whilst working shift work.

I first saw a_healthy_shift posts on Instagram and decided to investigate further.  I started simply by following some of his advice on his website and Insta posts.  Wow, they worked - I began feeling better after night shifts and quick changes.  

When I saw a spot become available for one-to-one coaching I decided to give it a go.

Roger has completely transformed how I manage shiftwork.  I no longer struggle post-night shift or quick changeovers. 

Through following his expert guidance with both what I eat and when I eat I am feeling better than I have before.  The disrupted routines that shift work causes are easier to navigate using the strategies that Roger has taught me.  His many podcasts are a valuable source of information with more hints and tips to help us get through shift work and its rigours.  I no longer struggle with the dreaded late/early's with his help, my sleep between these shifts has improved and my overall sleep has improved.  My brain fog has disappeared and I feel I am functioning at my best all the time.

Roger is the man to help you manage your life with shift work.  His experience as a shift worker and his knowledge has turned my life around."


Rhiannon - 24/7 Shift worker


Laura - Critical Care Nurse